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Everything You Need To Know About Biodegradable Food Containers Wholesale

Everything You Need To Know About Biodegradable Food Containers Wholesale

Everything You Need To Know About Biodegradable Food Containers Wholesale

With the rising concerns for the environment, biodegradable materials are becoming more and more popular. Biodegradable plastics decompose naturally and take way less time than normal plastics. This saves the environment. Biodegradable plastics are easier to be broken down by microorganisms due to their weaker structures. Thus, they are more eco-friendly than traditional plastics that we use every day. Biodegradable plastics are now coming into our mainstream lives. Many people use biodegradable food containers to store food. In fact, the sale of these containers is so high these days that there are Biodegradable Food Containers Wholesale that many people opt for these days.

The Pros and Cons of Biodegradable Containers

A lot of plant products are used in order to make these bio-materials. Manufacturers create these items using corn oil, starches, plants, and even the peels of fruits and vegetables. Traditional plastics used to be made from chemicals that were toxic to the environment. Bio-plastics are made from natural sources and are easily degradable for that reason.

However, like everything in the universe, these items also have certain advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few of them listed down:

The Pros

  • They do not release harmful chemicals during its degradation process: It is of no doubt that plastics make our lives easier. However, they can also be potentially dangerous to the environment. An element called Bisphenol A (BPA) is a constituent in traditional plastic. It is very toxic to the reproductive system of human beings. Biodegradable containers do not contain these elements and are truly made from natural substances that reduce any kind of harmful effects on the human body as well as the environment.
  • They reduce carbon dioxide levels: Traditional plastic is a source of a large amount of waste produced in human history. A lot of these plastics make their way to the water bodies like oceans and sea and destroy the lives of marine animals. Researchers stated that bioplastics use carbon dioxide for refinement. They break down naturally, and then they mix with the earth, thus doing no harm to one, as that is how it was created in the first place.
  • Biodegradable containers would redirect the need for petroleum to other needs: Traditional plastics are made from the heating of the oil molecules. The heating of oil molecules turns them into a polymer that can be molded into plastics. In the United States, roughly 3% of petroleum is consumed each year. However, biodegradable plastics come from starch and corn. This means that no petroleum is to be used in the manufacturing of these products. Thus, the petroleum industry can focus on automobiles and transportation.

The Cons

  • Biodegradable products depend on the weather conditions: A study shows that bioplastics are very dependent on the weather conditions of a particular area. Temperature and humidity play a major role in the degradation process. Composting can be slow during the winter months. Thus, it shows that the advantages are more common in tropical climates.

They are more expensive: Bio-products are 50% costlier than traditional products as they follow a different manufacturing process. For food consumption and storage, food containers are very popular, and so are Biodegradable Food Containers Wholesale. They are more affordable and better for the environment.

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