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5 Reasons You Should Avoid Using Plastic Cups Every time

5 Reasons You Should Avoid Using Plastic Cups Every time

5 Reasons You Should Avoid Using Plastic Cups Every time

Failing to get plastic cups in parties and other events is extremely difficult in the US. According to research, 95% of parties organized in the US uses plastic cups when it comes to serving of drinks and other types of liquids.

There are several reasons why you need to avoid using the plastic cups every now and then. One major reason is the BPA also known as bisphenol-A which is an estrogen-like chemical that is usually, added to the post polycarbonate plastics like plastic containers, cups, bottles tin cans lining and many more. According to recent research, the BPA is associated with early puberty in girls, feminizing of boys and reduces fertility in both genders. Here are five reasons why you need to avoid using the plastic cups more often.

1. Can Easily Make You Feel Sick

Plastic CupsAlthough people are known to suffer from several health issues when they are aging, it is important that you always ask yourself if whatever is happening to you is part of getting older or something else. There are chances that it can also be as a result of the toxic overload in the body. We are definitely aware that disorders and illness such as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, vision impairment and other health problems continue to arise. The use of party plastic cups, plastic food is becoming more popular since they are always convenient, cheap and disposable. Research also reveals that plastic materials are also packed with toxic compounds that can easily trigger several health issues such as impotence and cancer.

2. Safe Plastic Never Exists

Plastics containing a number of toxic compounds known as BPA have been in the spotlight of late. This has made several consumers search for ways on how to avoid the BPA. However, manufacturers have taken advantage by creating products that are BPA free. Even the BPA free products are never completely safe. In fact, there are some that use the BPS instead.

One main problem with the BPA is that it can easily be moved from the container into the neighbouring substances such as food, saliva and water. Contact with heat, acidic, alkaline and other substances can also help in speeding up the process.

3. Plastic Cups cause Reproductive Issues and Fertility

It is every persons wish to have a child one day. Having a child is considered to be one of the most wondrous miracles and great events that can happen in any person’s life. However, the presence of toxic compounds found in plastic cups can make it extremely difficult. Previously, it just used to be a speculation but quickly turning out to be the truth. Researchers are beginning to support the use of plastics can cause a huge problem in fertility. Almost all the plastics are known to contain toxic chemicals which have a negative effect on the regulation of hormones as well as immunity which can affect fertility. The presence of BPA in plastics is also known to make it extremely difficult for women to conceive and also increases miscarriage rates.

4. Chemicals Found In Plastics Make You Fat

There are a number of reasons why 75% of American population are either overweight or obese. Apart from the unhealthy food most people consume, another great reason why most of them are obese is due to the frequent use of plastic containers for both beverages and food. America is considered to be among the world’s largest plastic consumers. According to Environmental Health Perspective research, BADGE (Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether which is a chemical usually used in plastics is capable of triggering the stem cells turning them into fat cells.

5. Plastics Are Bad For the Planet

It never matters if you are a hardcore environmentalist or just prefer being green. Provided you are still living in this planet, one of your main tasks is to ensure you keep the planet as liveable as possible for the future generations. The party plastic cups are known to be made from petrochemicals which have been subject through intensive process that would cause lots of toxic discharge and pollution.

In case you are not aware, we are just making the planet less habitable by using party plastic cups every now and then.

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